Helpful Italian Phrases
Ticino is the Italian speaking of Switzerland, and only a short train ride from Italy. In order to get around successfully, it is important to know some useful Italian phrases!
Posso chiedervi una domanda? → can I ask you a question? (formal)
Posso chiederti una domanda? → can I ask you a question? (informal)
Certo! → of course!
Mi dispiace, non parlo italiano → I’m sorry, I don’t speak Italian
Lasciami stare → leave me alone
Ti piace...? → Do you like...?
Mi piace... → I like...?
1 - Uno 11 - Undici
2 - Due 12 – Dodici
3 - Tre 13 – Tredici
4 - Quattro 14 – Quattordici
5 - Cinque 15 – Quindici
6 - Sei 16 – Sedici
7 - Sette 17 – Diciassette
8 - Otto 18 – Diciotto
9 - Nove 19 – Diciannove
10 - Dieci 20 – Venti)
Buongiorno → Good Morning
Ciao → Hello/Goodbye (Informal - Friends)
Buon pomeriggio → Good afternoon
Buona sera → Good Night
Arrivederci → Goodbye (Formal - For adults/professionals)
Come stai? → How are you?
Grazie → Thank you
Come ti chiami?/Mi chiamo → What’s your name?/My name is
Quanto costa? → How much is it?
Parli Inglese? → Do you speak English? (informal)
Parla Inglese? → Do you speak english (formal)
Per favore → Please
Prego → also used as please, mainly by waiters
Mi dispiace - I’m sorry
Scusa/i (informal/formal) → excuse me (when you need to talk to someone, or you accidentally bump into someone: Scusami)
Permesso → Excuse me (used when you need to pass someone in your way)
Dov’è → Where is...
Il lago → the lake
Il centro → center
La gelateria migliore → best gelato shop
la fermata dell'autobus → Bus stop
grocery store → il negozio di alimentari
pharmacy → la farmacia
La strada/via → street
La stazione (del treno/dell'autobus) → station (of train/of bus)